Asociatia Babilon Travel
#teamwork approaches, #adapt communication style according to target audience, #develop problem solving strategy, #problem solving, #adapt styles of leadership, #Critical thinking, #creative thinking, #Helping build team spirit and trust, #collaborate for social inclusion, #maintain interpersonal relationships with colleagues, #team building, #active listening, #Critical thinking, #act with a high level of safety awareness, #problem solving, #awaken enthusiasm for nature, #promoting environmental awareness, #Разуменне і садзейнічанне групавой дынаміцы метадам, які спрыяльны для розных спосабаў навучання, #adapt teaching to target group, #Аналізуе групавыя працэсы ў адпаведнасці з тэорыяй групавой дынамікі, #coordinate group activities outdoors, #able to use learning strategies, #Прымяняе метады і падыходы для перадачы ведаў і каштоўнасцей у працэсах навучання, #Фасілітацыя працэсаў навучання, #adapt communication style according to target audience, #Critical thinking, #adapt styles of leadership, #teamwork approaches, #apply communication techniques, #problem solving, #Кіруе камандным духам і даверам, #show leadership attitude, #Critical thinking, #adapt physical activities, #develop problem solving strategy, #problem solving, #Critical thinking, #creative thinking, #making decisions