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VIP Squares

VIP Squares

VIP Squares is an inclusive and adapted teambulding activity, involving mixed groups of youngsters, typical and visually impaired/blind.
This workshop improves also creativity, strategical thinking, communication skills.
The group of youngsters are divided, using a non-formal approach, in mixed groups of 5-10 participants.
- All participants are blindfolded;
Each group will choose a group leader;
- Each group of participants needs to develop a strategy in order to build, using a 10-20 meters long rope, a perfect square.
- During the game, each participant needs to keep at least one hand on the rope, except the group leader, who can walk freely;
- When the group thinks that they build the perfect square, the group leader will position her/himself in the middle of the square and call the judges, without taking out its blindfold.
Task no.1
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Categorii de interese

Social competence
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