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Day 3: Low-ropes: Group Dynamics

Day 3: Low-ropes: Group Dynamics

This badge is awarded to participants who successfully completed the third day of the "Low-ropes Training for Youth Workers," focusing on applying group dynamics in practical low-ropes challenges.

Achievement Description: The badge earner has demonstrated the ability to effectively participate in and contribute to a team during a series of low-ropes activities. They have shown strong teamwork and communication skills, working collaboratively with others to overcome challenges that required trust, coordination, and problem-solving. The earner has also engaged in reflective discussions, analyzing group dynamics and identifying strategies to improve group cohesion and effectiveness.

Task no.1
Evidence verified by: un organizator al activității
To earn the badge, participants must complete the following task by the end of the day:

Reflection: Take a moment to reflect on your experiences throughout the day. Consider the skills you improved, such as communication, teamwork, and safety awareness, and what you learned during the activities.

Written Feedback: Provide a short written summary that includes your feedback based on your reflection. Feel free to share your overall feelings about the day, including what went well, any challenges you faced, and the day impacted you personally and professionally.

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#teamwork approaches
#apply communication techniques
#problem solving
#Facilitates team spirit and trust
#show leadership attitude
#Critical thinking
#adapt physical activities
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