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Centrul de ajutorOrganiser’s accountVerify Organiser’s account

Verify Organiser’s account

The Organiser’s Account allows you to create and manage Activities, Playlists and Badges. Organisers can be any type of organisation, school, company, informal group or freelance service provider.
With the Organiser’s Account you will be able to promote your activities, invite people to join them, see completion progress and issue badges in accordance with the global Open Badges credentials standard.
Verified organisers are perceived as more credible and trustworthy also they are listed on the platform as verified organisers.

Organiser verification

  1. Open the Dashboard.
  2. Select the Organiser’s Account (Open dashboard -> Select organiser) you want to verify.
  3. Click on the Settings tab (Open dashboard -> Select organiser -> Settings).
  4. Click on the Request verification button (Open dashboard -> Select organiser -> Settings -> Request verification).
  5. Upload document (it can be a legal registration document, entry in the official and public registers of companies etc.). Fill in the fields
  6. Click Submit.

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